UWEMN (Uganda Women Empowerment in Minnesota), a non-profit organization founded in Minnesota with a mission to bring women together through activities and provide mutual support. Our organization is dedicated to empowering women and creating a strong sense of community among its members.

UWEMN recognizes the diverse backgrounds, experiences, and strengths of Ugandan women in Minnesota and aims to harness this collective power to uplift and inspire one another. We believe in the power of unity, collaboration, and empowering women to reach their full potential.

Volunteer Benefits

UWEMN makes an impact through exclusive programming and partnerships with other nonprofit organizations that serve women and children in local communities. Through volunteering, fundraising and awareness, UWEMN is able to create positive change in the lives of countless under served women and children.

The benefits of working for a non-profit organization (UWEMN) can extend to your community, your family, and even into your home . They Include:

  • Connecting with other people
  • Create career opportunities
  • Increase your marketability
  • Enhance your skills and abilities
  • Try out career ideas